The Real Housewives of Cheshire is a British reality television series that premiered on 12 January 2015 on ITVBe. It chronicles the lives of 8 women — Lauren Simon, Seema Malhotra, Rachel Lugo, Nicole Sealey, Lystra Adams, Sheena Lynch, Paige Chohan and Ellie Egar— in Cheshire as they socialize, work on their careers and spend time with their families.
Former cast members featured over the previous seasons are: Tanya Bardsley (1-14), Leanne Brown (1-6), Magali Gorré (1-2), Ampika Pickston (1-5), Dawn Ward (1-12), Missé Beqiri (3-4), Stacey Forsey (3-7), Ester Dohnalová (5-12), Nermina Pieters-Mekic (6-7), Hanna Kinsella (8-16), Perla Navia (8-10), Leilani Dowding (10), Deborah Davies (13-14), Katie Alex (15), and Natasha Hamilton (16).
As of 17 June 2024, 191 episodes of The Real Housewives of Cheshire have aired over seventeen series.