Trinity Blood is an anime series of twenty-four episodes produced by Gonzo based on a series of light novels of the same name by Sunao Yoshida. Directed by Tomohiro Hirata, it features character designs by Atsuko Nakajima and music by Takahito Eguchi. In a post-apocalyptic future, the series' main character, Abel Nightroad, a vampire feeding on the blood of other vampires, protects humanity in service of the Vatican. The series premiered on the Japanese satellite network Wowow from April 28 through October 6, 2005 and was first released on DVD from August 26, 2005, through July 28, 2006.[1][2]
After producing an English dub for the series, Funimation Entertainment promoted it in the United States by combining the first four episodes into a 90-minute film named Trinity Blood: Genesis and showed it in select theaters starting on May 5, 2006.[3][4] The series then premiered in English-language on the Canadian digital station Razer from July 6 through December 14, 2006.[5] On DVD, Funimation's English adaptation was first made available in North America from September 26, 2006, through April 24, 2007, in Australia and New Zealand from December 6, 2006, to July 18, 2007, and in Europe from July 2, 2007, through May 26, 2008.
"Dress (Bloody Trinity Mix)" (ドレス(BLOODY TRINITY MIX)) performed by Buck-Tick, written by Atsushi Sakurai, and composed by Hidehiko Hoshino, serves as the opening theme song for the series. Ending theme songs are "Broken Wings" and, for the final episode, "TB No. 45 Resolution", both performed by Tomoko Tane who also wrote the songs' lyrics.[6]