List of United States Navy aircraft wings

This is a list of United States Navy aircraft wings. The U.S. Navy operates both Aircraft Carrier based Carrier Air Wings and land based Functional Wings and Type Wings. Carrier Air Wings are operational units made up of squadrons of different types of aircraft that deploy aboard aircraft carriers. The Navy's land based wings are organized either to perform a specific function (Functional Wings) or around a specific aircraft type/model (Type Wings). Patrol and Reconnaissance Wings, Test Wings and Training Wings are examples of functional wings, these wings may consist of a single type of aircraft or a variety of types needed to perform a wing's specific function. Type Wings consist of squadrons of a single type/model of aircraft, they are non-deploying "force providers" that provide combat ready squadrons or detachments to deploying Carrier Air Wings or to other Navy or joint forces. All Navy aircraft wings whether they are Carrier Air Wings or Land Based Type or Functional Wings are commanded by a Navy Captain though as Training Air Wings and Naval Test Wings conduct training or test and evaluation for both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps a Marine Colonel could be assigned as the commmander of a Test or Training Wing.