List of We Bare Bears characters

The American animated television series We Bare Bears features a cast created by Daniel Chong. The series focuses on Three Bears who try to navigate the human world and make friends. The Bears are the boisterous and adventurous Grizzly (voiced by Eric Edelstein), the kind, yet nervous Panda (voiced by Bobby Moynihan) and the quiet and mysterious Ice Bear (voiced by Demetri Martin). Despite their social ineptitude, they manage to meet a wide variety of characters, some of whom make recurring appearances on the show. Among these are the Korean American prodigy Chloe Park (voiced by Charlyne Yi), the selfish and angry Nom Nom (voiced by Patton Oswalt), the socially inept Bigfoot Charlie (voiced by Jason Lee) and the tough and determined Ranger Tabes (voiced by Cameron Esposito).