Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal (遊☆戯☆王 Zexal (ゼアル), Yūgiō Zearu) is the fourth spin-off anime series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise and the sixth anime series overall by Nihon Ad Systems and TV Tokyo. It was directed by Satoshi Kuwahara and produced by Studio Gallop. The series aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 11, 2011 and September 24, 2012. A second series, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal II, began airing from October 7, 2012. The series also premiered on The CW's Toonzai programming block in the United States on October 15, 2011. The story follows the young duelist Yuma Tsukumo who partners up with an ethereal spirit named Astral, as they search for the 100 Number Duel Monsters cards, which will restore Astral's memories and power.
Six pieces of theme music are used for the series: three opening and three ending themes. For episodes 1–25, the opening theme is "Masterpiece" (マスターピース, Masutāpīsu) by mihimaru GT while the ending theme is "My Quest" (僕クエスト, Boku Kuesuto) by Golden Bomber.[1] For episode 26–49, the opening theme is "BRAVING!" (ブレイビング!, Bureibingu!) by KANAN while the ending theme is "Freesia of Longing" (切望のフリージア, Setsubō no Furījia) by DaizyStripper. For episodes 50–73, the opening theme is "Soul Drive" (魂ドライブ, Tamashī Doraibu) by Color Bottle while the ending theme is "Wild Child" (ワイルドチャイルド, Wairudo Chairudo) by moumoon. For the 4Kids and Konami English dub versions, the opening theme is "Take a Chance" for all episodes.