List of authors banned in Nazi Germany

A memorial on Bebelplatz, site of a Nazi book burning in May 1933. Empty shelves are visible through a window in the pavement.

This list includes both authors whose entire literary production was officially banned in Nazi Germany and authors who were only partially banned.[1] These authors are from the prohibitions lists in Nazi Germany and come from the following lists and others:

  1. List of damaging and undesirable writing, Liste des schädlichen und unerwünschten Schrifttums, December 31, 1938
  2. Jahreslisten 1939–1941. Unchanged new printing of the Leipzig edition, 1938–1941, Vaduz 1979

The official list was published by the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda (Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda). Authors, living and dead, were placed on the list because of Jewish descent, or because of pacifist or communist and/or Freemasonic sympathies or suspicion thereof.

In May and June 1933, in the first year of the Nazi government, there were book burnings. These book bans compose a part of the history of censorship and a subset of the list of banned books.

After World War II started, Germans created indexes of prohibited books in countries they occupied, of works in languages other than German. For example, in occupied Poland, an index of 1,500 prohibited authors was created.[2]

  1. ^ Verbrannte und verbannte
  2. ^ Czesław Madajczyk, Polityka III Rzeszy w okupowanej Polsce, Tom II (Politics of the Third Reich in Occupied Poland, Part Two), Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1970, p.125