List of compositions by Charles Ives

Ives as a teenager

The compositions of American composer Charles Ives (1874–1954) are mostly modern classical music. Ives was prolific, revised works multiple times, and left ambiguous fragments with no title or notes. A chronology of works is especially difficult because of missing and sometimes misleading dates;[1] as Elliott Carter put it in 1939: "[Ives] has rewritten his works so many times, adding dissonances and polyrhythms, that it is impossible to tell just at what date the works assumed the surprising form we know now."[2]

This list follows James B. Sinclair's A Descriptive Catalogue of the Music of Charles Ives.[3] It does not include fragments or projected works.

  1. ^ Maynard Solomon goes so far as to suggest Ives purposely misdated work in: "Charles Ives: Some Questions of Veracity", Journal of the American Musicological Society, XL/iii (1987), 443–470, goes so far as to suggest Ives did so purposely. Some responses are Carol Baron, "Dating Charles Ives's Music: Facts and Fictions", Perspectives of New Music, XXVIII (1990), 20–56; Gayle Sherwood, "Questions and Veracities: Reassessing the Chronology of Ives's Choral Works", The Musical Quarterly, LXXVIII/iii (1994), 429–447
  2. ^ Carter, Elliott, "The Case of Mr. Ives", Modern Music (March–April 1939): 172–176.
  3. ^ Sinclair, James B. (1999). A Descriptive Catalogue of the Music of Charles Ives. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300076011.