List of largest domes

A dome is a self-supporting structural element of architecture that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere.

Every dome in the world which was the largest diameter dome of its time is listed.


  1. Each structure is only described in detail once (the appearance closest to the top of the page), even if it appears on multiple lists. A link to the row where the structure is described in detail is provided.
  2. The dimension given is the inner diameter (also called inside diameter, or clear span). The thickness of the dome is not included. If the inner diameter of a dome is not available, a footnote follows the structure's name.
  3. If a dome has an elliptical rather than circular shape, the dome's shorter dimension (i.e. width) is used for ranking, and, contra convention, its dimensions are listed as width × length, rather than length × width.
  4. If the structure is part of a well-known complex of buildings, the name of the entire site is listed first, with the name of the dome structure listed in small text below.
  5. These lists exclude structures that are not self-supporting, such as The O2 in London which is 365 m (1,200 ft) in diameter but is supported by masts.
  6. The name of a structure used is the name it had when it was constructed or first opened. This is particularly relevant regarding stadiums.