List of non-marine molluscs of Hawaii

Location of Hawaii

The non-marine molluscs of Hawaii are part of the molluscan fauna of Hawaii, which in turn is part of the (wildlife of Hawaii).

A number of species of non-marine molluscs are found in the wild in Hawaii. In addition there are at least ? gastropod species living as hothouse aliens, only in greenhouses, aquaria, and terraria.

There are ??? species of gastropods ?? species of freshwater gastropods, ?? species of land gastropods and ?? species of bivalves living in the wild in the Hawaiian Islands.

There are ?? non-indigenous species of gastropods (?? freshwater and ?? land species) and ?? species of bivalves in the wild in Hawaii. This is altogether a total of ?? freshwater non-indigenous species of wild molluscs.

Summary table of number of species

(The summary table is based on species counted in this list, and also includes also those species with question marks)

freshwater gastropods ??
land gastropods ?? (?? snails + 12 slugs and 1 semi-slug[1])
gastropods altogether ???
bivalves ??
molluscs altogether ???
non-indigenous gastropods in the wild ?? freshwater and ?? land
non-indigenous hot-house alien gastropods ?
non-indigenous bivalves in the wild ?
non-indigenous hot-house alien bivalves ?
non-indigenous molluscs altogether ?

Extinct gastropods in Hawaii include: ....

Shells of local land snails which were collected by David Dwight Baldwin can be seen in the Bailey House Museum in Wailuku, Maui.

  1. ^ Joe S. M. (May 2006) "Impact of Alien Slugs on Native Plant Seedlings in a Diverse Mesic Forest, Oahu, Hawaii, and a study of Slug Food Plant Preferences". 2006 M.S. Thesis, Botany Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa. HTM, PDF