List of roads in Windsor, Ontario

The road network in Windsor, Ontario is a grid system with elongated blocks, generally aligned with the Detroit River, with East-West roads running parallel to it, and North-South streets running perpendicular (90 Degrees) to it. This is an adoption from when French Canadian settlers first built farms and streets in the area. Many streets have French names in result, such as Lauzon Parkway, Marentette Avenue (a quiet residential street), Ouellette Avenue (considered by many Windsorites to be its "Main Street"), and Pelissier Street. The current street system of Windsor (grid with elongated blocks) reflects the French method of agricultural land division where the farms were long and narrow, fronting along the river (this originates from French methods of tax collection, with more taxes being paid by property owners with waterfront properties, thus why riverfront lots were usually narrow).