List of schools in Hungary
Szent László Gimnázium
This is a list of notable secondary schools in Hungary:
Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium
Budapesti Evangélikus Gimnázium
(Fasori Gimnázium)
Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium (Budapest)
Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium (Debrecen)
Földes Ferenc Gimnázium
Herman Ottó Gimnázium
Kossuth Lajos Lutheran Grammar School and Pedagogical Secondary School
Móra Ferenc Secondary School
Pannonhalmi Bencés Gimnázium és Kollégium
Saint Stephen Vocational Secondary School of Economics
Serbian High School Nikola Tesla in Budapest
Szent László Gimnázium
International schools:
American International School of Budapest
The Budapest Japanese School
Gustave Eiffel French School of Budapest
Thomas Mann Gymnasium