List of trolleybus systems

This is a list of cities where trolleybuses operate, or operated in the past, as part of the public transport system. The original list has been divided to improve user-friendliness and to reduce article size. Separate lists—separate articles in Wikipedia—have been made for the following countries:

(Dark blue) show that trolleybus networks in operation, including bus rapid transit networks and (Blue) show that trolleybus networks in operation, without bus rapid transit networks, (light blue) show that trolleybus networks planned (as new or reconstruction) and (Red) show that Countries that had trolleybus networks before and (light gray) Countries that never had trolleybus networks.

This page also provides references that are applicable to all parts of the complete list.

Bold typeface for a location city indicates an existing trolleybus system, currently in operation (temporary suspensions not counted), or a new system currently under construction.