Liv Jessen

Liv Jessen (born 21 September 1947) is a Norwegian social worker, and former head of ProSenteret in Oslo—an organization that deals with issues related to prostitution.[1]

Jessen was born in Sandefjord. In 2004 she was awarded Amnesty International Norway's Human Rights prize, in 2007 she received the Equality Award from the Confederation of Vocational Unions (YS) and in 2013 the King's Medal of Merit (Kongens fortjenstmedalje).[2]

  1. ^ Hilde Lungaard (2014-03-01). "En ekte horemamma". Aftenposten. p. 31.
  2. ^ Kongens Fortjenstmedalje til Liv Jessen Velferdsetaten, Oslo kommune. accessed December 30, 2013