Local case-control sampling

In machine learning, local case-control sampling [1] is an algorithm used to reduce the complexity of training a logistic regression classifier. The algorithm reduces the training complexity by selecting a small subsample of the original dataset for training. It assumes the availability of a (unreliable) pilot estimation of the parameters. It then performs a single pass over the entire dataset using the pilot estimation to identify the most "surprising" samples. In practice, the pilot may come from prior knowledge or training using a subsample of the dataset. The algorithm is most effective when the underlying dataset is imbalanced. It exploits the structures of conditional imbalanced datasets more efficiently than alternative methods, such as case control sampling and weighted case control sampling.

  1. ^ Fithian, William; Hastie, Trevor (2014). "Local case-control sampling: Efficient subsampling in imbalanced data sets". The Annals of Statistics. 42 (5): 1693–1724. arXiv:1306.3706. doi:10.1214/14-aos1220. PMC 4258397. PMID 25492979.