Local franchise authority

A local franchise authority (LFA) is a United States local government organization that, together with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), regulates cable television service within the local government's area.[1] In some cases the LFA is the state, while in others it might be a city, county, or municipality. The LFA is meant to address cable problems such as service related rates and charges, tier rates, customer service problems, franchise fees, signal quality, and the use of public, educational, and governmental (PEG) channels.[2] When experiencing a problem with your cable television you should first contact the cable company itself, then the local franchise authorities, then the National Citizens Committee for Broadcasting, and finally the chairmen of the House and Senate subcommittees who oversee the FCC.[2][3] Additional help can be found on the web page of the Federal Communications Commission.

  1. ^ Frequently asked questions regarding cable television regulations, FCC.gov
  2. ^ a b “Cable Television - Where to File Complaints Regarding Cable Service.” Accessed September 10, 2014. http://www.fcc.gov/guides/cable-television-where-file-complaints-regarding-cable-service.
  3. ^ Inc, Kiplinger Washington Editors. Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc., 1980.