Logistics ships of the Royal New Zealand Navy

Commissioned logistic and support vessels of the Royal New Zealand Navy from its formation on 1 October 1941 to the present:

Name Type Class Dates Notes
HMNZS Aotearoa (A11) Fleet tanker   2021-current
HMNZS Canterbury (L421) Logistics support ship   2007-current Multi-role vessel
HMNZS Charles Upham Logistics support ship   1995-1998
HMNZS Endeavour (1956) Antarctic support ship   1956-1962  
HMNZS Endeavour (A11) Fleet tanker   1988-2017  
HMNZS Endeavour (A184) Antarctic support ship   1962-1971 Leased from the US
HS Maunganui Hospital ship 1941-1946 Converted from a civilian vessel