Lord Hawke's cricket team in North America in 1894

An English cricket team led by Lord Hawke toured North America in September and October 1894 and two of its matches are considered to have been first-class.[1] This was the second tour to North America led by Hawke: he had previously led a side there in 1891–92 and three of the players from the earlier tour, not including Hawke, were also on this second one.

The team played six matches in all, five of them in the United States and one in Canada. The games against the Gentlemen of Philadelphia were of three days' duration, though the second was finished inside two days, and are considered first-class. Other games in New York, Toronto and Lowell, Massachusetts, were each scheduled for two days and are not considered first-class; the match in Lowell was finished inside a single day and an exhibition game, also not first-class, was played on the second day without a result.[1]

  1. ^ a b "Lord Hawke's XI in North America 1894". www.cricketarchive.com. Retrieved 7 February 2015.