Lu Lingxuan

Lu Lingxuan (陸令萱) (died c.January 577[1]) was a lady in waiting in the palace of the Chinese Northern Qi dynasty.[2] As she served as the wet nurse to the emperor Gao Wei, she became exceedingly powerful during his reign, at times eclipsing in importance his mother Empress Dowager Hu and was often criticized by historians for her corruption and treachery.

  1. ^ Vol.06 of Book of Zhou indicate that Jinzhou was besieged on the wu'shen day of the 12th month of the 5th year of the Jian'de era, and conquered on the geng'xu day of that month; by the ding'si day of the same month, Gao Wei began his flight to Ye. The three dates correspond to 8, 10 and 17 Jan 577 in the Julian calendar. ([建德五年]十二月戊申,次于晋州。初,齐攻晋州,恐王师卒至,于城南穿堑,自乔山属于汾水。庚戌,帝帅诸军八万人,置阵东西二十馀里。帝乘常御马,从数人巡阵处分,所至辄呼主帅姓名以慰勉之。将士感见知之恩,各思自厉。将战,有司请换马。帝曰:“朕独乘良马何所之?”齐主亦于堑北列阵。申后,齐人填堑南引。帝大喜,勒诸军击之,齐人便退。齐主与其麾下数十骑走还幷州。.....丁巳,大军次幷州,齐主留其从兄安德王延宗守幷州,自将轻骑走邺。) Since Lu Lingxuan died soon after Gao Wei's fleeing to Ye, her death should be in January 577.
  2. ^ Lily Xiao Hong Lee, Clara Lau, A.D. Stefanowska: Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Antiquity Through Sui, 1600 B.C.E