Lucrina Fetti

The Repentant St Mary Magdalene, currently attributed to her brother, but a copy of which has been attributed to her

Lucrina Fetti (c. 1590 – c. 1673) was an Italian painter born in Rome under the name Giustina[1] She was the daughter of a lesser-known painter, Pietro Fetti, and the sister and pupil of the more distinguished painter of the family, Domenico Fetti.[2] She accompanied her family to Mantua when her brother was invited to be court painter to Ferdinando Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua.[2] On December 3, 1614, Duke Ferdinando exclusively gave Giustina a dowry of 150 scudi so she could become a Clarissan nun in the Convent of St. Ursula.[1] Once she entered the convent, she chose to change her name to "Lucrina".[2] She was known for her religious works from her family's workshop. They were mostly meant for decorations for the church and convent that were sponsored by Margherita Gonzaga, Duchess of Ferrara. She was also known for doing portraits of the women of the Gonzaga family.[3]

  1. ^ a b Sandra Cavallo and Silvia Evangelisti, Domestic Institutional Interiors in Early Modern Europe, 2009 (Vermont: Ashgate 2014), p166
  2. ^ a b c Lucrina Fetti in the RKD
  3. ^ Claudio Strinati and Jordana Pomeroy, Italian Women Artists from Renaissance to Baroque, 2007 (Italy: Skira Editore 2014), p183