Lupfen (card game)

Three Unters - the unbeatable hand
OriginAustria, Bavaria
FamilyRams group
DeckSalzburg or Double German pack
Rank (high→low)A 10 K O U
Related games
Contra, Kratzen, Mauscheln, Mistigri, Tippen, Zwicken
Features: pot, 3 cards, 'lifting', special card combinations

Lupfen is a card game for 3–5 players that is played mainly in west Austria and south Germany, but also in Liechtenstein. The rules vary slightly from region to region, but the basic game in each variation is identical. It is one of the Rams group of card games characterised by allowing players to drop out of the current game if they think they will be unable to win any tricks or a minimum number of tricks.[1][2]

  1. ^ Card Games: Rams Group at Retrieved 16 Oct 2018
  2. ^ Geiser, Remigius (2004). "100 Kartenspiele des Landes Salzburg", in Talon, Issue 13, p. 38.