Lutheran Book of Worship

Lutheran Book of Worship
1978 edition of the Lutheran Book of Worship
Commissioned byInter-Lutheran Commission on Worship
Approved forLutheran Church in America, The American Lutheran Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (officially withdrew)
PublisherAugsburg Fortress
No. of Hymns569
Service musicYes
← Service Book and Hymnal
The Lutheran Hymnal
Lutheran Worship (LCMS)
With One Voice (ELCA) →
Hymnal Supplement 1991
Hymnal Supplement 1991
PublisherGIA Publications
No. of Hymns7 canticles and chants, 118 Hymns
Service musicYes
← Lutheran Book of Worship
With One Voice
1995 edition of With One Voice
Approved forEvangelical Lutheran Church in America
PublisherAugsburg Fortress
No. of Hymns207
Service musicYes
← Lutheran Book of Worship Evangelical Lutheran Worship →

The Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW) is a worship book and hymnal published in 1978 and was authorized for use by several Lutheran denominations in North America, including predecessors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod was initially involved in the hymnal's development but officially withdrew.

Additional hymns and service music are contained in the companions Hymnal Supplement 1991 and With One Voice (WOV). A successor was published in 2006 titled Evangelical Lutheran Worship, although Lutheran Book of Worship remains in use by some congregations.

The LBW is sometimes called the "green book", as opposed to With One Voice, which is bound in blue, or the older Service Book and Hymnal and The Lutheran Hymnal, which were bound in red.