MD2 (hash function)

DesignersRonald Rivest
First publishedAugust 1989[1]
SeriesMD2, MD4, MD5, MD6
Digest sizes128 bits

The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm is a cryptographic hash function developed by Ronald Rivest in 1989.[2] The algorithm is optimized for 8-bit computers. MD2 is specified in IETF RFC 1319.[3] The "MD" in MD2 stands for "Message Digest".

Even though MD2 is not yet fully compromised, the IETF retired MD2 to "historic" status in 2011, citing "signs of weakness". It is deprecated in favor of SHA-256 and other strong hashing algorithms.[4]

Nevertheless, as of 2014, it remained in use in public key infrastructures as part of certificates generated with MD2 and RSA.

  1. ^ Linn, John (August 1989). "RSA-MD2 Message Digest Algorithm". Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part III — Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers. Rivest, Ron. IETF. sec. 4.2. doi:10.17487/RFC1115. RFC 1115. Retrieved 26 April 2021.
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference RSA PKCS #7 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ Cite error: The named reference RFC 1319 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  4. ^ RFC 6149, MD2 to Historic Status