Macao (banking game)

Macao is an old, European gambling card game played with French playing cards that is related to Baccarat. It was first mentioned in 1774,[1] and may have originated in Hungary or Italy.[2] It was described as being popular with the soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the 19th century,[3] although the game was later banned as a game of chance.[4]

  1. ^ Actually in Geneva, where we find it banned by an Ordonnance des Magnifiques & Très-Honorés Seigneurs Sindics & Conseil [of Geneva] dated 22 January 1774, forbidding “de joüer aucun jeu de hazard ou de reste sous quelque dénomination que ce soit, & notamment celui appellé Macao” (see E. Rivoire, Bibliographie historique de Genève au XVIIIe siècle, Geneva, 1897, no. 1398).
  2. ^ Zollinger 1997, p. 302.
  3. ^ Lentner 1855, p. 111.
  4. ^ Perles 1891, p. 312.