Machineries of Empire

Machineries of Empire
Cover art for Ninefox Gambit, the first book in the series

  • Ninefox Gambit
  • Raven Stratagem
  • Revenant Gun
  • Hexarchate Stories

AuthorYoon Ha Lee
CountryUnited States
GenreScience fiction
PublisherSolaris Books
  • 14 Jun 2016 (Ninefox Gambit)
  • 13 Jun 2017 (Raven Stratagem)
  • 12 Jun 2018 (Revenant Gun)
  • 25 Jun 2019 (Hexarchate Stories)
No. of books4

Machineries of Empire is a series of military science fiction/science fantasy/space opera novels by American writer Yoon Ha Lee and published by Solaris Books. It consists of Ninefox Gambit (2016), Raven Stratagem (2017) and Revenant Gun (2018). A collection of short stories set in the same universe, Hexarchate Stories, was published in 2019. The main trilogy follows the young infantry captain Kel Cheris and the traitorous general Shuos Jedao in a war among factions of a despotic interstellar empire, the Hexarchate, whose esoteric technology is based on the population's adherence to the imperial calendar.[1]

The novels cover "space opera, fantasy, Korean folklore and mathematics" themes.[2] Several of Lee's short stories are prequels to the trilogy.[3]

  1. ^ "Beautifully Alien 'Ninefox Gambit' Mixes Math And Magic". June 25, 2016. Retrieved October 27, 2017.
  2. ^ Abigail Nussbaum, Worlds in the making, New Scientist, Volume 235, Issue 3138, 2017, Page 43,
  3. ^ "Yoon Ha Lee". Retrieved October 26, 2017.