Maestlin (crater)

Coordinates4°54′N 40°36′W / 4.9°N 40.6°W / 4.9; -40.6
Diameter7 km
Depth1.6 km
Colongitude41° at sunrise
EponymMichael Maestlin
The crater area in a Selenochromatic Image (Si)
Oblique Lunar Orbiter 3 image of some of the Rimae Maestlin
Lunar Orbiter 4 image with Maestlin crater in upper left corner and Rimae Maestlin to the southeast of it
Maestlin G crater, from Lunar Orbiter 3

Maestlin is a small, bowl-shaped impact crater located near the eastern edge of the lunar Oceanus Procellarum. It was named after German mathematician Michael Maestlin.[1] To the east lies the crater Encke and to the northeast is Kepler. Just to the southeast of Maestlin is the curved, ridge-like remains of Maestlin R, a walled plain that has been almost completed submerged by the mare. South of this feature is a system of linear rilles named Rimae Maestlin. The mare surface around Maestlin is dusted with ray material from Kepler.

  1. ^ "Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature | Maestlin". International Astronomical Union. Retrieved August 28, 2017.