Mandatory Work Activity

Mandatory Work Activity (MWA) was a workfare programme in the United Kingdom whereby individuals had to work for their benefits or risk being "sanctioned" and losing them. MWA started in May 2011, but in November 2015 the DWP confirmed it was "not renewing" it.[1] An academic analysis by the Department for Work and Pensions cast doubt on the effectiveness of MWA, and despite finding "little evidence" that workfare improved claimants gaining paid employment, the DWP ignored the findings of the study, and in June 2012, the scheme received a £5m expansion. A similar but little-known scheme "Jobseeker Mandatory Activity" (JMA) [2] was piloted by New Labour in 2006, but did not last beyond 2008. JMA targeted those claimants 25 and over, who had been unemployed for 6 months or more and made claimants liable to "sanction" for non-compliance.

  1. ^ "Department for Work and Pensions' settlement at the Spending Review". DWP. 2015-11-25. Retrieved 2015-11-27.
  2. ^ "Qualitative evaluation of the Jobseeker Mandatory Activity (JMA) (PDF 236.97 KB)". Sheffield Hallam University. 2008-07-31. Retrieved 2015-12-30.