
Redhead brand mandocello
Classification String instrument (plucked)
Hornbostel–Sachs classification321.322
(Composite chordophone)
Related instruments

The mandocello (Italian: mandoloncello, Liuto cantabile, liuto moderno) is a plucked string instrument of the mandolin family. It is larger than the mandolin, and is the baritone instrument of the mandolin family. Its eight strings are in four paired courses, with the strings in each course tuned in unison. Overall tuning of the courses is in fifths like a mandolin, but beginning on bass C (C2). It can be described as being to the mandolin what the cello is to the violin.[1][2]

  1. ^ Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive Dictionary, by Sibyl Marcuse (Corrected Edition 1975)
  2. ^ The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Second Edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and others (2001)