Manga Kenkanryu (マンガ 嫌韓流, Manga Kenkanryū, "Hating the Korean Wave"[1] or "Hating the Korean Boom"[2]) is a Japanese manga written by Sharin Yamano with a theme that draws on anti-Korean sentiment in Japan. The manga started as a webcomic on the author's website entitled CHOSEN, and after being refused publication for two years, it was published by Shin-yo-sha and released in Japan on July 26, 2005. It was controversial and triggered a Japanese Internet movement.
This series of comic includes controversial topics surrounding Korea and Japan such as comfort women and the Liancourt Rocks, all of which are justified in favor of Japan throughout comics. After its publication, the comic hit number one in sales on, which was reported in Korea, sparking much online controversy. The manga was controversial even outside Korea with The New York Times[1] and The Times[2] continuously reporting on the comic.