March 2006 lunar eclipse

Penumbral lunar eclipse
14-15 March 2006

From Trondheim, Norway at 23:49 UTC

The Moon passed right to left through the Earth's northern penumbral shadow.
Series (and member) 113 (63 of 71)
Gamma 1.0210
Magnitude 1.0301
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Penumbral 4:47:27
Contacts (UTC)
P1 21:23:45
Greatest 23:47:29
P4 2:11:12 (15 Mar)

The Moon's hourly motion across the Earth's shadow in the constellation of Virgo.

A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on 14 March 2006, the first of two lunar eclipses in 2006.

This was a relatively rare total penumbral lunar eclipse with the Moon passing entirely within the penumbral shadow without entering the darker umbral shadow. The tables below contain detailed predictions and additional information on the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 14 March 2006.