Marcus Marius (quaestor 76 BC)

Marcus Marius was a quaestor of the Roman Republic in 76 BC[1] and proquaestor under Quintus Sertorius's government in exile in Spain. Marius was sent by Sertorius to Mithradates of Pontus as an advisor and military commander in the Third Mithridatic War. He is named as or more likely confused with a Varius in Appian.[2]

  1. ^ T.R.S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic (American Philological Association, 1952), vol. 2, p. 93.
  2. ^ Christoph F. Konrad, Plutarch's Sertorius: A Historical Commentary, (University of North Carolina Press, 1994), p. 200. Plutarch, Memnon, and Orosius call him Marius in contexts that indicate the same man is meant.