Marginal artery of the colon

Marginal artery of the colon
Frontal view of the abdominal aorta and the territory supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery. The arteries on the right side (left side of image) arise from the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). The marginal artery (not labeled) connects the middle colic artery (a branch of the SMA) to the left colic artery (a branch of the IMA).
Colonic blood supply (Marginal artery is #9)
SourceSuperior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery
SuppliesLarge intestine
Latinarteria marginalis coli
Anatomical terminology

In human anatomy, the marginal artery of the colon, also known as the marginal artery of Drummond, the artery of Drummond, and simply as the marginal artery, is an artery that connects the inferior mesenteric artery with the superior mesenteric artery. It is sometimes absent, as an anatomical variant.