Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training Command

Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training Command
Active2009 - 2014
Country United States of America
BranchUnited States Navy Seal United States Navy
TypeEchelon III command
RolePhase Zero- Engagement/Presence/Stability
Garrison/HQNAS Oceana Dam Neck Annex
Captain Marc Gordnier, USN- to decommissioning

The Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training Command (MCAST) provides personnel, trains, equips and deploys U.S. Navy sailors for a task force commander to establish and enhance relations between military forces, governmental and nongovernmental organizations and the civilian populace. Accomplished in a collaborative manner across the spectrum of operations in the maritime environment, MCAST Command executes civilian-to-military operations and military-to-military training, as directed, in support of security cooperation and security assistance requirements.

The MCAST Command prepares regionally aligned planners, teams, specialists and trainers to be effective, flexible and responsive in support of the Navy Component and Joint Task Force Commanders’ security cooperation plans. Enhancing partner-nation capability and capacity is accomplished by deploying fully qualified individuals and teams, trained to support civilian-to-military operations (MCA) and military-to-military training (SFA).

To support the Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower and the Navy's core competencies of Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief and Maritime Security, MCAST Command fosters and sustains cooperative relationships across the Joint, Coalition, and Multinational spectrum to provide regional stability, prevent conflict and protect U.S. interests.