Martial law in Poland

Martial law in Poland
Part of the Polish crisis of 1980–1981 and the Cold War

Polish T-55 tanks enter the town of Zbąszyń while moving east towards Poznań, 13 December 1981
Date13 December 1981 – 22 July 1983 (1 year, 7 months, 1 week and 2 days)

Polish government victory

  • Crackdown on opposition
  • Protests suppressed
  • Deepened economic crisis
  • Continued resistance until 1989

Polish People's Republic Polish People's Republic

Supported by:

 Soviet Union (Intelligence support and military equipment)

Solidarity Movement

Supported by:

Polish government-in-exile Polish government-in-exile
 United States (Financial support)
 United Kingdom (Financial support)
Commanders and leaders

Polish People's Republic Wojciech Jaruzelski

Polish government-in-exile Lech Wałęsa

Initial strength:[1]

  • 80,000 soldiers
  • 30,000 policemen
  • 1,750 tanks
  • 1,900 combat vehicles
  • 9,000 cars
23,000 members of Solidarity, protesters, governmental defectors and other unprivileged belligerents armed mostly with small arms
Casualties and losses
  • 1 killed
  • over 20 injured
  • 91 killed
  • Thousands arrested
  • Martial law in Poland (Polish: Stan wojenny w Polsce) existed between 13 December 1981 and 22 July 1983. The government of the Polish People's Republic drastically restricted everyday life by introducing martial law and a military junta in an attempt to counter political opposition, in particular the Solidarity movement.

    Since the late 1970s, communist Poland had been in a deep economic recession. Edward Gierek, First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), had obtained a series of large loans from foreign creditors to achieve better economic output, but they instead resulted in a domestic crisis. Essential goods were heavily rationed, which acted as a stimulus to establishing the first anti-communist trade union in the Communist Bloc, known as Solidarity, in 1980. Gierek, who permitted the trade union to appear per the Gdańsk Agreement, was dismissed from his post less than a month later and confined to house arrest. Following countless strikes and demonstrations by employees of chief industrial regions, Poland was heading towards bankruptcy. The new First Secretary, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, was determined to put an end to the demonstrations by force if necessary.

    On 13 December 1981, Jaruzelski announced the introduction of martial law in a televised speech, following the vote of the Council of State the previous day which formally authorised its introduction. An extraconstitutional military junta, the Military Council of National Salvation (WRON), was formed to rule Poland during the time. The Polish People's Army, Citizens' Militia (MO), ZOMO special paramilitary units, and tanks were deployed on the streets to demoralize demonstrators, begin regular patrols, control strategic enterprises, and maintain curfew. Intercity travelling without a permit was forbidden, food shortages intensified, and censorship was placed on all media and correspondence. The secret services (SB) wiretapped phones in public booths and state institutions. Thousands of opposition activists were imprisoned without trial,[2] and although martial law was lifted in 1983, many political prisoners were not released until a general amnesty in 1986. The crackdown on the opposition led the Reagan Administration to introduce economic sanctions against Poland and the neighbouring Soviet Union, further worsening the former's economy.

    Some protests appeared in response to the introduction of martial law. On 16 December, the ZOMO squads pacified the pro-Solidarity miners' strike in the Wujek Coal Mine in the industrial city of Katowice, killing nine demonstrators. Other demonstrations across Poland were dispersed by the military or paramilitary units, which utilized water cannons, tear gas, batons, truncheons, and clubs, killing 91 people in total, though this figure is uncertain and is still debated among historians.[2] Martial law succeeded in marginalising the Solidarity movement, which would largely remain on the sidelines until the late 1980s. As fewer people engaged in anti-government demonstrations, martial law was suspended on 31 December 1982,[3] and was formally lifted on 22 July 1983, a state holiday.

    1. ^ "The Day Poland Stood Still: Memories from the Introduction of Martial Law".
    2. ^ a b Poland marks communist crackdown, BBC News, 13 December 2006
    3. ^ Barcikowski, Kazimierz (1998). U szczytów władzy (in Polish). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Projekt. p. 130. ISBN 8387168203.