Matteo Palmieri

Portrait of Matteo Palmieri, by Cristofano dell'Altissimo

Matteo di Marco Palmieri (1406–1475) was a Florentine humanist and historian who is best known for his work Della vita civile ("On Civic Life"; printed 1528) which advocated civic humanism, and his influence in refining the Tuscan vernacular to the same level as Latin.[1] He was sent as Florentine ambassador to the court of Alfonso I of Naples. Vespasiano da Bisticci included him among the illustrious men of his generation whose careers deserved an article in his Vite di uomini illustri del secolo XV[2] vita.

  1. ^ Giuseppe Flavo, Paul Grendler (ed.). "Palmieri, Matteo" in Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, 1999, volume 3, pp. 376-377. ISBN 0-684-80514-6
  2. ^ Published as Vite di uomini illustri del secolo xv by Ludovico Frati, Bologna, 1892-93; a translation was reprinted as The Vespasiano Memoirs: Lives of Illustrious Men of the XV Century (Renaissance Society of America Reprint Texts) 1997.