Maxima of a point set

The five red points are the maxima of the set of all the red and yellow points. The shaded regions show the points dominated by at least one of the five maxima.

In computational geometry, a point p in a finite set of points S is said to be maximal or non-dominated if there is no other point q in S whose coordinates are all greater than or equal to the corresponding coordinates of p. The maxima of a point set S are all the maximal points of S. The problem of finding all maximal points, sometimes called the problem of the maxima or maxima set problem, has been studied as a variant of the convex hull and orthogonal convex hull problems. It is equivalent to finding the Pareto frontier of a collection of points, and was called the floating-currency problem by Herbert Freeman based on an application involving comparing the relative wealth of individuals with different holdings of multiple currencies.[1]

  1. ^ Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael Ian (1985), "Section 4.1.3: The problem of the maxima of a point set", Computational Geometry: An Introduction, Texts and Monographs in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp. 157–166, ISBN 0-387-96131-3.