Maximum contaminant level

Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) are standards that are set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for drinking water quality.[1][2] An MCL is the legal threshold limit on the amount of a substance that is allowed in public water systems under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The limit is usually expressed as a concentration in milligrams or micrograms per liter of water.[3]

  1. ^ United States. Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. 42 U.S.C. § 300f(3)
  2. ^ Joseph Cotruvo, Victor Kimm, Arden Calvert. “Drinking Water: A Half Century of Progress.” EPA Alumni Association. March 1, 2016.
  3. ^ "National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (Summary tables)". Ground Water and Drinking Water. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2018-03-22.