May 2013 lunar eclipse

Penumbral lunar eclipse
25 May 2013

The Moon barely grazes the northern penumbral shadow of the Earth.
Saros (and member) 150 (1 of 71)
Gamma 1.5350
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Penumbral 0:33:34
Contacts (UTC)
P1 3:53:15
Greatest 4:09:58
P4 4:26:49

The Moon's hourly motion across the Earth's shadow in the constellation of Scorpius.

A penumbral lunar eclipse took place on 24–25 May 2013, the second of three lunar eclipses in 2013. It was visually imperceptible due to the small entry into the penumbral shadow.

This event marked the beginning of Saros series 150.