Mayaro virus disease

Mayaro virus disease is a mosquito-borne zoonotic pathogen endemic to certain humid forests of tropical South America. Infection with Mayaro virus causes an acute, self-limited dengue-like illness of 3–5 days' duration.[1] The causative virus, abbreviated MAYV, is in the family Togaviridae, and genus Alphavirus. It is closely related to other alphaviruses that produce a dengue-like illness accompanied by long-lasting arthralgia. It is only known to circulate in tropical South America.[1]

  1. ^ a b Receveur MC, Grandadam M, Pistone T, Malvy D (2010). "Infection with Mayaro virus in a French traveller returning from the Amazon region, Brazil, January, 2010". Euro Surveillance. 15 (18). PMID 20460093.