Measurement while drilling

A drilling rig is used to create a borehole or well (also called a wellbore) in the earth's sub-surface, for example in order to extract natural resources such as gas or oil. During such drilling, data is acquired from the drilling rig sensors for a range of purposes such as: decision-support to monitor and manage the smooth operation of drilling; to make detailed records (or well log) of the geologic formations penetrated by a borehole; to generate operations statistics and performance benchmarks such that improvements can be identified, and to provide well planners with accurate historical operations-performance data with which to perform statistical risk analysis for future well operations. The terms measurement while drilling (MWD), and logging while drilling (LWD) are not used consistently throughout the industry. Although these terms are related, within the context of this section, the term measurement while drilling refers to directional-drilling measurements, e.g. for decision support for the wellbore path, (Inclination and Azimuth) while LWD refers to measurements concerning the geological formations penetrated while drilling.[1]

  1. ^ Dowell, Iain; Andrew Mills; Matt Lora (2006). "Chapter 15 - Drilling-Data Acquisition". In Robert F. Mitchell (ed.). Petroleum Engineering Handbook. Vol. II - Drilling Engineering. Society of Petroleum Engineers. pp. 647–685. ISBN 978-1-55563-114-7.