Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

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Home and Community-Based Services waivers (HCBS waivers) or Section 1915(c) waivers, 42 U.S.C. Ch. 7, § 1396n §§ 1915(c), are a type of Medicaid waiver. HCBS waivers expand the types of settings in which people can receive comprehensive long-term care under Medicaid. Prior to the creation of HCBS waivers, comprehensive long-term care was available through Medicaid only in institutional settings. Under an HCBS waiver, states can use Medicaid funds to provide a broad array of non-medical services (excluding room and board) not otherwise covered by Medicaid, if those services allow recipients to receive care in community and residential settings as an alternative to institutionalization.[1]

  1. ^ "Home and community-based services waivers. | CMS". Retrieved 2023-02-10.