Mental Health Review Tribunal (England and Wales)

In England, the First-tier Tribunal (Mental Health), more commonly known as the Mental Health Tribunal, is an independent quasi-judicial body established to safeguard the rights of persons subject to the Mental Health Act 1983. It provides for consideration of appeals against the medical detention or forced treatment of a person who was deemed to be suffering from a mental disorder that was associated with a risk to the health or safety of that person or others.

Prior to an overhaul of the tribunal system in 2008, its functions were carried out by the Mental Health Review Tribunal, which was a standalone body. In 2008 the Mental Health Review Tribunal was formally abolished as a standalone body and merged with the Health and Social Care Chamber of the newly established First-tier Tribunal (FTT). A new Upper Tribunal was also created, which hears appeals against decisions by the FTT. In Wales, the corresponding body is the Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales.[1]

  1. ^ "Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales".