Merico language

Americo-Liberian, American, Brokes English, Kwasai English, Waterside English, Water Street English
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Merico or Americo-Liberian (or the informal colloquial name "American") is an English-based creole language spoken until recently in Liberia by Americo-Liberians, descendants of original settlers, freed slaves, and African Americans who emigrated from the United States between 1821 and the 1870s. It is distinguished from Liberian Kreyol and from Kru, and may be connected to Gullah and Jamaican Creole.[1]

The original settlers numbered 19,000 in 1860.[1] By 1975 the language was partly decreolized, restricted to informal settings.[1]

  1. ^ a b c Hancock, Ian F. (1975). "Some aspects of English in Liberia". In Dillard, Joey Lee (ed.). Perspectives on Black English. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 249–251. ISBN 978-90-279-7811-0. Retrieved 17 June 2022.