Metacarpal bones

Metacarpal bones
Metacarpals shown in red. Left hand, anterior (palmar) view.
The five metacarpal bones, numbered. Left hand, anterior (palmar) view.

os primum metacarpale / os metacarpale I

os secundum metacarpale / os metacarpale II

os tertium metacarpale / os metacarpale III

os quartum metacarpale / os metacarpale IV

os quintum metacarpale / os metacarpale V
OriginsCarpal bones of wrist
InsertionsProximal phalanges
ArticulationsCarpometacarpal, intermetacarpal, metacarpophalangeal
Latinos metacarpale
pl. ossa metacarpalia
Anatomical terms of bone

In human anatomy, the metacarpal bones or metacarpus, also known as the "palm bones", are the appendicular bones that form the intermediate part of the hand between the phalanges (fingers) and the carpal bones (wrist bones), which articulate with the forearm. The metacarpal bones are homologous to the metatarsal bones in the foot.