Mexican Federal Highway

Federal Highways
One-, two-, three-digit, and letter designation shields and tollway shield
System information
Maintained by Secretariat of Communications and Transportation
Highway names
Federal Highway:Federal Highway X (Fed. X)
System links

Federal Highways (Spanish: Carreteras Federales) are a series of highways in Mexico. These highways link Mexico's 32 federal entities with each other or with a neighboring country, and they are wholly or mostly built by Mexico's federal government with federal funds or through federal grants by individuals, states, or municipalities.[1] Locally known as federal highway corridors (Spanish: los corredores carreteros federales), they are built and maintained by Mexico's Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (Spanish: Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, SCT). Federal Highways in Mexico can be classified into high-speed, limited access expressways (usually toll highways that may be segmented and are marked by the letter "D") and low-speed roads with non-limited access; not all corridors are completely improved.

  1. ^ Gutiérrez, Norma (March 2014). "National Funding of Road Infrastructure: Mexico". Retrieved 21 February 2020.