Midsummer Ox Day

Grilled eel
Grilled eel

Midsummer Ox Day (どようのうしのひ)is the day associated with the Ox sign in the traditional Japanese calendar.[1] The most famous Ox Day in Japan (one or two days with an interval of 12 days) are on the hottest time of the year (late July – early August),[2] which is also characterized by high humidity.[3] The main dish of this day is kabayaki, baked or fried eel (unagi) with sweet teriyaki sauce.[3] This high-fat food is said to help maintain strength during this hot season.

  1. ^ Японское летосчисление — whitemouse.ru
  2. ^ «Доё уси-но хи» — день, когда едят жареных угрей , — www.tasteofjapan.ru
  3. ^ a b "НИППОНИЯ № 34 15 сентября 2005 г." Archived from the original on 2011-03-26. Retrieved 2013-01-12.