

Migralepsy is a rare condition in which a migraine is followed, within an hour period, by an epileptic seizure.[1][2] Because of the similarities in signs, symptoms, and treatments of both conditions, such as the neurological basis, the psychological issues, and the autonomic distress that is created from them, they individually increase the likelihood of causing the other. However, also because of the sameness, they are often misdiagnosed for each other, as migralepsy rarely occurs.[3][4]

  1. ^ "Migraine Variants" - eMedicine
  2. ^ "Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, Volume 1" - Google Books
  3. ^ Bigal, M.E; Lipton, R.B; Cohen, J; Silberstein, S.D (2003). "Epilepsy and migraine". Epilepsy & Behavior. 4: 13–24. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2003.07.003. PMID 14527480. S2CID 45270770.
  4. ^ Toldo, Irene; Perissinotto, Egle; Menegazzo, Francesca; Boniver, Clementina; Sartori, Stefano; Salviati, Leonardo; Clementi, Maurizio; Montagna, Pasquale; Battistella, Pier Antonio (2010). "Comorbidity between headache and epilepsy in a pediatric headache center". The Journal of Headache and Pain. 11 (3): 235–40. doi:10.1007/s10194-010-0191-6. PMC 3451908. PMID 20112041.