Milan Area C

Area C gate in Porta Ticinese
Area C sign

Area C is a congestion charge active in the city center of Milan, Italy. It was introduced in 2012, replacing the previous pollution charge Ecopass and based on the same designated traffic restricted zone. The area is about 8.2 km2 (3.2 sq mi) with 77,000 residents (4.5% and 6% of the city total, respectively) and is accessible through gates monitored by traffic cameras.

The objective of the program is to reduce traffic, promote public transport, and to decrease the high levels of smog in the city. All net revenues from the system are used to promote public transport and sustainable mobility. Like its predecessor Ecopass, the congestion charge was highly criticized, although it decreased vehicle entrances into the city by about 30%, increased average speeds of buses, and reduced levels of pollution. The program was temporarily suspended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy; as of August 2023, it has been reactivated.