Mine Storm

Mine Storm
Publisher(s)General Consumer Electronics
Programmer(s)John Hall[1]
Genre(s)Multidirectional shooter

Mine Storm (also written as MineStorm) is a multidirectional shooter similar to Atari, Inc.'s 1979 Asteroids arcade game. Designed and programmed by John Hall,[1] it was published in 1982 by General Consumer Electronics as the built-in game[2] for the Vectrex system. Although not provided on a physical cartridge, a Mine Storm screen overlay and manual were included with each system to support the built-in game.

  1. ^ a b Hague, James. "The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers".
  2. ^ Clark, Pamela (December 1982). "The Vectrex Arcade System". BYTE. pp. 92–93. Retrieved 19 October 2013.