Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera Troupe

Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera Troupe (Chinese: 鳴芝聲劇團) is one of the top Cantonese Opera troupes in Hong Kong. The troupe was founded in 1990 by Lau Kam Yiu (劉金耀) to promote a young opera talent, Joyce Koi Ming Fai (蓋鳴暉). Lau himself, a retired businessman, later took over the management of Ming Chee Sing.

After the demise of Lau Kam Yiu in 2011, Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera Troupe came under the management of his daughter, Lau Kok Ying (劉幗英). The Troupe now performs at least 100 shows a year in many countries including the United States, Canada, England, Australia, Japan, China, Singapore, Macau, etc. It celebrated its 25th anniversary in October 2015.