Ministerialists and Oppositionists

Ministerialists and Oppositionists were political groupings in the political systems of several Australian colonies and states, used to describe supporters or opponents of the government of the day. The terminology had earlier been used in the same way in the United Kingdom.[1]

Prior to federation in 1901 (and for a short period after) a formal political party structure was not fully in place, and the terminology was used in the parliaments of Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia.[2][3]

Outside of parliamentary groupings, the terminology was also used at various elections.[4]

  1. ^ "Celebrating 250 years of catering". UK Parliament.
  2. ^ "Berry, Sir Graham (1822–1904)". Australian Dictionary of Biography. Although elected leader of the Opposition, he stood down in 1894 for younger and stronger men, and the Liberal Party which in 1894-99 presided over Victoria's recovery and her part in Federation was led by George Turner.
  3. ^ Klaassen, Margaret Jean (2014), An examination of how the military, the conservative press and ministerialist politicians generated support within Queensland for the war in South Africa in 1899 and 1900, Queensland University of Technology, retrieved 7 March 2017
  4. ^ "THE FOURTEENTH PARLIAMENT ELECTED 28 MARCH 1889". Psephos: Adam Carr's Electoral Archive.